Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 11/25/13 Overview

Attendance: Brandon Herrick, Patrick Andersen, Mark Aruda, Thomas McSwiggin

Dates:    11/23/13           11/25/13
Hours total: 6 hours

Description: Solid works parts to be drafted and assembly.

    First shipment of parts were delivered today still waiting for the servo motor and second shipment of Lego pieces. Some preliminary assembly can be setup, but not the majority. The solid works parts were found from some of the Lego libraries provided by Professor Sullivan.

Parts list:

Wheel Chair Lift Parts List
Quantity       Part name
6 15 hole Lego beam
2 1x4 thin lift arm
2 1x9 bent lift arm (6-4)
1 10 axle
2 8 axle
20 connector pins
4 half  bushings
2 20 tooth gear
2 1x16 hole brick
6 axle sleeves
1 8 tooth gear
6 1x3 hole brick
2 thin triangle Legos

Solid Works Parts/Files:

                                                             15 Hole Lego Beam
                                                                  Axle size 10

                                                                 1 x 9 bent Lego
                                                                     Connector Pin

                                                                      20 Tooth Gear

                                                                 1 x 16 Hole Brick
                                                                    1/2 Bushing

The assembly will be coming soon.

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